
My Path with Albert Schweitzer

My Path with Albert Schweitzer


Author : Mark, Percy
Editor : NESt, 2020
Pages : 309



The phrase ‘Reverence for Life’ has come to stand for an ethical attitude towards life which Dr. Albert Schweitzer, theologian, philosopher, organist and medical doctor redefined for Western civilisation, in the hope that it might contribute to its renaissance and prepare the path for a new spirit to energise humankind to take the next step towards its evolutionary destiny.

Percy Mark, a young architect in 1962, visited the 88 year old Dr. Schweitzer at his hospital in the tropical jungle of the Gabon, close to the equator in Africa, and instead of staying for a few days, remained there for six months, helping with construction works as general ‘handyman’; returning to Europe only when his health began to falter. He had met his future wife there, and when they married a year later, they settled in England to raise a family.This book describes their path together in the service of Albert Schweitzer’s legacy, with particular focus on an evaluation of the contribution Volume III of Schweitzer’s Philosophy of Civilisation can make to our ability to meet the challenges we face today. Percy’s little verse gives the direction of travel:Why not give a thought each dayTo the role we humans are here to play In the life of our evolving planet?Percy’s translation of significant parts of Volume III of Schweitzer’s Philosophy of Civilisation from German into English has been published as NESt Book Two under the title: “The World View of Reverence for Life”

Additional information

Weight 0,55 kg
Dimensions 2,2 cm